Although you and your new employee are thrilled for them to come on board, please keep in mind that the treatment they receive within their first few weeks with the company will determine if they stay.
Studies show that 20% of employee turnover occurs during the first ninety days of employment, due partially to conflict, and partially to feeling unwelcome.
Let's take a look at some ways in which we can make new employees feel welcome and encourage them to plant roots!
Show Enthusiasm
Reach out to your new employee the day before their first day via a call or a simple email to express how much you look forward to having them join the team. If possible, meet them at the front door as they arrive in the morning and again reiterate your excitement about their coming aboard.
Next, show them to their new desk or workspace where a welcome kit has been left. Items to include in the welcome kit could be a welcome letter from the CEO, the employee handbook, company swag (shirts, pens, water bottles, etc.), or any gadgets that may help them perform their new duties.
Afterward, introduce the new employee around the office and use your people skills to pair them with someone you think they will hit it off with.
Last, but certainly not least, take your new employee out to lunch and make it an open invitation to any current employee who would like to tag along.
Educate about the Company
Your new employee must understand the mission and vision of the company, along with any company culture expectations that they are strongly encouraged to implement into their daily work habits.
The mission and vision statements should be readily available to all employees within the employee handbook; however, a good way to make a new employee feel welcome is by taking the time to have an actual in-depth conversation regarding this.
Who started the company and what was their inspiration? How has the company grown and what are the goals for the future? These are things that a new employee may want to know to help them feel as though they are part of the team. Be sure to express how their skills and attributes make a wonderful addition to the company as well.
Ease Them into Their New Role
There is plenty of work to do and it just keeps piling up. Trust us, we get it! But, overwhelming your new employee with a ton of responsibilities on their first day will do nothing but run them off.
Remember that, although a happy one, this is still a change for your new employee. No matter how experienced or well-versed they may be, try not to give them too much at once.
Wrap Up
Gaining new employees is exciting! But don't make the mistake of setting your company up as a revolving door. You want good, dedicated people on your team. You'll want them to feel welcome immediately, and as a valued part of the team as soon as possible. An employee feeling unwelcome should never be a reason that someone parts ways with your company.
Give us a call for assistance and more tips on how to make your new employees feel welcome!